"Bhringraj, also known as Maka, is mainly beneficial for hair as it helps in hair growth, prevents greying of hair, and avoids hair fall. It can also be consumed for improving digestion and appetite, acting as a coolant, and relieving constipation."
Bhringraj, also known as Eclipta alba or False Daisy, is a herb commonly found in India, Thailand, and Brazil. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Bhringraj has been used for centuries for its various health benefits.
Bhringraj is believed to be effective in promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. It is commonly used in hair oils, shampoos, and hair masks. It is also believed to have hepatoprotective properties, meaning it may help protect the liver from damage. Bhringraj is also used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as respiratory disorders, fever, and skin diseases.
Recent scientific studies have confirmed some of the traditional uses of Bhringraj and have suggested that it may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties.